Work From Home
06 October, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra
Efficiency in Operations leads to substantial growth of industries and sectors in contribution to the economic development of a country.

Recent COVID lockdowns has shattered many business plans and shaken the economy from its root. However, the need for digitalisation was more felt during such time of economical emergency for the world, requiring transformation involving advanced inclusion of Artificial intelligence.

Work Life Balance is most preferred where employees look for well paid jobs as well as safety & satisfaction of job retention. A stanford research, experimenting on work from home efficiency stated that surprisingly, the performance of the employees went up by 13% over a period of nine months with their increased number of minutes devoted towards their working hours. Due to an increased satisfaction and comfort the attrition rate reduced by 50% leading to enhanced growth of company's performance.



Work From Home provides flexibility in working and completing a specific job. As per the IWG Global Workspace Survey, 4 out of 5 respondents of their preference in job flexibility stated that they would accept a job with flexible working rather working strictly in a confined workspace for hours.


Studies noted that employees working from home has increased efficiency and prefer to continue working even after the normal working shift thereby contributing to the overall performance. Professionalism involving accepted job roles apart from the specified role, also increases due to the job satisfaction at the comfort of home.


Young people at modern times prefer more to work from home, where as per Polycom - 70% of the millenials garner the advantages of working remotely compared to only 51% of old aged (40 - 60 years).
Such increased young talent aquisition by companies would lead to enhanced working culture infused with new ideas of technological acceptance.



Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing is the most accepted use of technology for WFH commonly used in arranging meeting with video calls. Virtual workspace is the most convenient way to enhance productivity through communications and desktop sharing modes available. Most common applications used are Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom & Skype.


cloud technology

Security & Cloud goes hand-in-hand when it comes to working remotely as it is essential that sensitive data of companies do not get compromised by the malwares which may be present in a common desktop. Virtual desktop hosted in a cloud platform is a solution where the employee can access remotely through secured Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Besides security, cloud provides data storage which can be easily accessible from any place without any hassle of searching physical files out from the dump.


Digital Assistant

Transition to digitisation may be disruptive while working remotely as it includes house works as well as office work at some times. Digital Assistant comes handy with the latest Artificial Intelligence based solutions like: Amazon Echo, Google Assistant, or a Siri based voice recognition Apple Inc. mobile devices, leading to the growth of around 50% each year in the use of such technologies.

Such an efficient working culture with the availability of Work From Home (WFH) facilities, enable better productivity and overall growth of technological upgrades leading to an advanced future.